In this part, you should have correctly calculated the IP address for the Online Learning System Server. As a consequence, you'll need to provide instructions for configuring the server's IP address. You may use any operating system to demonstrate this task. To support the explanation, a screenshot and a reasonable explanation should be utilized.
Configuring TCP/IP on Windows 10
Steps to do TCP/IP Confiquration
1. In Search engine, click for Settings.
2.Go to Control Panel.3.After the Control Panel appears, you may choose from a variety of options such as System and Security, Programs, User Accounts, and others, but you must choose Network and Internet.
4.Click on the Network and Sharing Center.
5.After that, click the Change adapter settings button on the left side of the window. Then it switches to two networks. To complete the settings, choose the Ethernet 2 network.
6.To obtain the Properties, double-click on Ethernet 2. Then choose TCP/IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4).
7.After that, you must go to and click on Inside your IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway, use the following IP address. Then press the OK button.
8.You must enter the IP address that you computed in the previous step in this area. After that, click OK. Finish. It's not essential to restart your computer.
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