Students are needed to propose a private addressing system for usage in the Cobham Collage campus network as part of this assignment. Explain how you use FLSM to determine subnetting depending on the number of faculties. Each faculty member is assigned a network address. Assign IT Center to a separate subnet with its own IP address. The address of the OnlineLearning System Server is allocated as the 4th accessible address from this network address.
Based on the information provided in the project scenario, you should be able to illustrate how to calculate the IP address that was allocated to the OnlineLearning System Server in this part. Explain the principle and demonstrate how to calculate the IP address. Includes 254 potential hosts and ranges from to
The number after the IP address is the abbreviation for the subnet mask, and the number of ones in the subnet mask is equal to the number in the abbreviation when represented in binary notation.
When translated from binary to decimal, the /16 subnet would have 16 ones in a row and the remainder of the digits would be zeros: 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000, which equals
A subnet is a logical network that divides a big IP network into numerous smaller ones. A subnet mask is a 32-bit value that distinguishes the Network and Host portions of an IP address. FLSM (Fixed Length Subnet Mask) and VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) are the two forms of subnetting (Variable Length Subnet Mask). FLSM is being used in our project to determine subnetting depending on the number of faculties.
· Dividing an IP Network with same or equal size.
· The Subnet remains within its class Boundary
· Formula 2^n>=N (Requirements)
· Binary to Decimals
Private addressing scheme used in Cobham Collage Campus network : number of the faculties:
5 faculties = subnet
How many sub-networks would I need to construct for 8 IP addresses if I start with a /24?
Within a /24 network, there are 8 /27 networks./27 - /24 = 3
Use the formula 2n to get the number of potential subnets, where n is the number of borrowed host bits. If three host bits are borrowed, n=3=8, implying that eight subnets are feasible.
Use the formula 2n -2 to get the number of potential hosts per subnet, where h is the number of host bits. Because of the network address and the broadcast address, two addresses must be deducted.
Calculate the amount of remaining host bits based on the address class and the number of borrowed host bits.
Where did 224 come from?
Total = 128+64+32 = 224
Calculate the decimal and prefix values of the new subnet mask to complete the fourth phase of the subnetting procedure., which is also the server's IP address, is the 4th possible address as the address of the OnlineLearning System Server. We won't begin with since it will be allocated to the router's IP address, and we need to find the fourth accessible address. As a result, it will start at and work its way up.
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